Mini-Class Offerings for T.H.E. P.A.C.T.

Recorded Class



The Power of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. In this introductory webinar, receive an overview of the research-based teaching methodology, T.H.E. P.A.C.T. Learn how T.H.E. P.A.C.T. can streamline your time, organize your time, and focus your time to reach and teach learners of all abilities. See how this simple delivery system of instruction is a blueprint for Universal Design for Learning and a solution to bridge the gap between special education and general education. FREE
The “How-To” Guide to Vocabulary Selection: The Concrete to Abstract Rating Scale Learn how to methodically select vocabulary and key concepts for any topic of instruction using principles of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. See how to rank vocabulary from concrete to abstract on any curriculum topic using proven differentiated strategies. A multitude of examples from academic to life skills will be presented in this class. COMING SOON!
It’s Off to Work We Go! School-to-Work Using Research-Based UDL Strategies Learn research-based strategies to sue no matter where you live, to increase post secondary employment outcomes. Real-life examples will provide evidence of a simple roadmap with creative lessons to significantly increase both student engagement and teacher outcomes. See how to replicate this in school-to-work programs in your region. COMING SOON!
Systematic Planning for AAC Users in the Educational Setting (SPAACES) Students with complex communication needs (CCN) require a variety of accommodations and modifications to assist them in accessing the curriculum. This presentation will describe a straightforward systematic program for including students with complex communication and learning needs, using the research-based framework, T.H.E. P.A.C.T., that provides differentiated instruction for students of all abilities. Participants will become familiar with specific instructional tools and theme-based curriculum units to implement relevant, meaningful instruction for all students. Detailed examples of lessons will be demonstrated, focusing on collaborative teaching and an interdisciplinary approach to instruction. Participants will walk away with a comprehensive list of SPAACES instructional units categorized by subject area, topic, and ability level, aligned to the four-step methodology of T.H.E. P.A.C.T. COMING SOON!
Let’s Get Social: Expanding Social Stories into Comprehensive Curriculum Units Learn how to design step-by-step social communication curriculum for students of all abilities using T.H.E. P.A.C.T. See how to take a stand-alone social story and quickly create an entire social communication unit of instruction – using items from the dollar store, office supply web sites, web-based tools, and apps. View creative vocabulary building lessons, talking timelines, interactive social concept books with study guides, social communication journals, social skills worksheets and quizzes, and more. The presenter will share detailed examples of comprehensive social communication units for “ready-to-learn” behaviors, conversation skills, school effort, personal space, giving compliments, and more. Learn how to laser-focus the use of video modeling in four specific ways – along with getting a shortlist of “must-have” video tools – to engage students when learning key social language concepts. Walk away with a tool chest of ideas to spice up your social communication instruction that you literally could begin to use the next day. COMING SOON!
Showtime with the iPACT! Utilizing video in the classroom allows the educator to teach concepts, main ideas, and details in ways that printed text may not reach all learners. Using video as the instructional tool for learning and communicating what was learned opens up so many more avenues of learner engagement, self-expression, and participation for a learner of any ability. View tools for the iPad – including mounts and grips for smooth recording and apps to record, edit and produce video. Learn tips and ideas for incorporating and utilizing video, with video trimming and annotating in the research-based iPACT App system – it is time to take Learn About, Read About, Write About, and Talk About to a whole new level! COMING SOON!
Strategic Planning for Implementation of UDL Strategies Learn Universal Design strategies that allow all students to access core instruction connected to educational standards, facilitate cross-grade and cross-district collaboration, and increased co-teaching opportunities. Walk away with an outline of professional development opportunities and associated tools that have jumpstarted teachers in implementing UDL strategies. See examples from a picture library and live demonstration to get a multitude of ideas on how to develop a multi-year strategic plan to facilitate the process of implementing UDL strategies across rural and urban districts of all sizes. COMING SOON!

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