Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award

Phyl Macomber
International Education Specialist


The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award honors exceptional leaders throughout the nation.

This prestigious award was established by former President George Bush, Sr. in an effort to distinguish members of our community who dedicate themselves to bettering the lives of others, our community, and our country.

Phyl Macomber, International Education Specialist, was recognized for her significant and sustained contributions for helping others through her exceptional leadership and meaningful mentorship for decades over the course of her career.

Phyl’s purpose-driven service has been acknowledged to have substantial impact in the field of education.

Phyl Macomber was bestowed the honor of speaking at the awards ceremony to an audience of 350 people on behalf of the award recipients.

Presidential Lifetime Achievement
Awards Ceremony
Phyl Macomber Delivers Keynote Address
at the Awards Ceremony

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